Bag It Level 6 | Fresh Squeeze 6 | Aisle 3 – Po-Sass-Lum | 3 Stars


Bag It Walkthrough
Aisle 3: Fresh Squeeze
Level 6: Po-Sass-Lum
3 Star Walkthrough

Bag It Level 6
Fresh Squeeze 6
Fresh Squeeze Walkthrough

4 thoughts on “Bag It Level 6 | Fresh Squeeze 6 | Aisle 3 – Po-Sass-Lum | 3 Stars

  1. All Upright

    4 milks go in bottom right. 2 eggs go on top of milks.
    Watermelon is on bottom, juice is in middle of two French breads.
    Banana on top of orange juice.
    Nacho bag and other banana on top of French breads.