
Bag It Walkthrough is the best site on the internet for Bag It Walkthrough videos, help, cheats, hints, tips, and strategy guides on how to beat each level in every aisle of Bag It!. In each level you must solve the puzzle of stacking groceries into bags in the correct order so that the more fragile items are not crushed on the bottom. You also have to maximize the amount of goods you fit into every bag. Bag It Walkthrough is perfect for helping you get 3 Stars on every level. Just watch our videos and duplicate our step by step baggin technique. Other sites have screenshots of the final bags. That doesn’t help when you can’t figure out how to get the items into that particular configuration. Good luck bag boy and please leave a comment on any level by using the comments form at the bottom of the page. You can leave suggestions or questions for the site admins, or better solutions or tips for other users.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. When will you have the walkthrough for the Balanced Breakfast levels. I’m stuck on the Temple of Boom level trying to smash 12 objects at once. Thanks!